Saturday, September 5, 2009

wiképedia: my new favorite site if only i could understand it

Some things on Besançon:

  • located in the very east of France, Besançon is close to Switzerland and Germany, and is just south of the better known regions of Alsace and Lorraine
  • though only a medium-sized city it is packed with history and culture, with 5 museums, 170 monuments, numerous parks and fountains, several military outposts dating from the 1500's, and...a zoo. My favorite? The Museum of Time. (or the MUSEUM of TIME, as i pronounce it in my head)
  • granted the title of "France's first green city." (ostensibly for the ratio of green spaces versus population, but most likely because it rains approximately one third of the year. that's right. there will be rain every one out of three days.)
  • Besançon cuisine is marked my freshly made creamy cheeses, smoked sausages, meat and poultry, and their specialty vin jaune, yellow wine, which is aged under a layer of yeast. um, delicious?
  • surrounded by the "mighty" Doubs river, and overlooked by an ancient citadelle, Besançon became a UNESCO world heritage site in 2008


  1. Ahh, Besançon looks amazing...I may have to come visit! And I feel your pain...up in Lille, we get tons of rain and SIXTY days of fog a year. Two months of fog?! :(


    Assistant in Raimbeaucourt

  2. dooo it!

    seriously, unless my accommodation turns out to actually be a closet, i'm so ok with hosting random assistants.

  3. Museum of Time? Besançon just made my list of places to visit :)

  4. i know, right? what could even be IN that museum??

  5. Wow you are in like France's version of my home city- some people call Glasgow 'Dear Green Place' because of all the grass, and I'm not sure how many days a year it rains here but I'd guess at least one in three, maybe more like half the year lol. I'll need to come visit Besancon if I get homesick for grass and rain. The Museum of Time sounds amazing as well, I wonder if it is about clocks, or maybe a Doctor Who stylee portal to another dimension :P
